Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

Bigfoot Eye Shine

A fairly common component of nighttime Bigfoot sightings is eye shine. I’m not sure it’s a majority, but if not it’s still a large percentage.
Bigfoot sightings with terrain by Jill Marie Hackett

It’s All About the Data

The more data can be shared, the more we can learn. I have recently been working with data from the BFRO sightings database I want…
Height Measurement

Height of a Bigfoot

Getting some parameters of physical size can help inform other characteristics that might not be readily observable.
Pacific Northwest Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

Bigfoots Only in the Pacific Northwest?

I am asking the question: Do Sasquatches (if they exist) only live in the Pacific Northwest of North America?
Glasses notebook and laptop photo by Dan Dimmock

Bigfoot Books I’m Reading

I said in last week's post that I would post the books I'm using to research and learn about Bigfoots. Some of these...

What Is and What Isn’t a Bigfoot Story

My research for the book has me knee deep in the history of the Bigfoot legend in North America. The hardest part, though, is weeding…
Rock Art Photo by Rabah Al Shammary on Unsplash

Researching Bigfoot History

When outlining my book I debated whether or not to include a history of Bigfoots at all. #Bigfoot #ProfilingBigfoot #Sasquatch #Cryptozoology

Do Bigfoots Have Short or Long Hair?

In doing research lately I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks. I will list them below with links if you are interested. (Yes,…